These long, peaceful night hours are my favorite ones.
These moments of darkness, that slowly shift
Into the brief moments of twilight around me
Without even noticing.
The shadows disolve
As the burning sun climbs to the rooftop of each building
To the top of every tree
Setting everything on fire
Purging everything with it's golden flames
Cleansing the night
And clearing the table for the impending day.
Another day for another joy.
Another day for another grief.
Depending on how you feel.
Depending on where you stand.
And usually, we stand knee-deep in shit.
But today my mind is at peace
Since I am free from any guilt and doubt
And I'll get to see the sunrise
First one this spring.
And it makes me feel restless
Like waiting to meet an old friend
Who wears a silly bowler hat everywhere
And you know it's going to catch some unwanted attention
And you feel slightly uncomfortable,
But you really like the guy and don't know him that well
So you don't mention it.
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