tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2013
Viimeinen ihminen (2010)
Ja kun maailma vaikeni tuhansia vuosia jatkuneen huutonsa jälkeen, pystyimme erottamaan tuhkasta kuvioita, ikään kuin hämmentäviä todisteita jostkain oman maailmamme ulkopuolisesta elämästä. Voimme vain arvailla mikä pyyhki heidän maailmansa niin täydellisen puhtaaksi elämästä. Mitä fysiikkaa koskevia säännöstöjä he noudattivat? Tiesivätkö he, ettei aika ole millään tavalla itseensä sidottu käsite, vaan he liikkuivat itsekin ajassa joka päivä eteen- ja taaksepäin? Tuhkaan piirtyvät kuvat kertovat ylimielisestä rodusta, joka jahtasi jotain, mitä se ei koskaan uskonut saavansa kiinni. Ja kun se lopulta sai etsimänsä, se sai yhden ohikiitävän hetken vilkaista tämän hauraan lasisen maailman kaikkeuden ytimeen, johon heidätkin oli kudottu kieliksi ajan ja avaruuden suureen soittimeen, josta 98% oli kaikukoppaa ja kaksi prosenttia itse soitinta, ja silti tuo kaikki sata prosenttia soi samassa sävelessä kaiken aikaa, ymmärtämättä sitä. Heidän maailmansa oli soitin, joka rikkoutui liian kovasta resonanssista, joka kasvoi liian vahvaksi ja mursi rikki rakenteen. Lasinen avaruus, joka soi 52 oktaavia liian matalalta soi hetken aikaa juuri oikealta korkeudelta ja paljasti heille kaikki salaisuutensa, minkä jälkeen se hajosi pirstaleiksi ja putosi heidän niskaansa. Maailma, joka oli ollut heidän hallinnassaan, nielaisi todisteet heidän olemassaolostaan. Ihan vain vittuillakseen meille. Se ajaa meidät hulluiksi, koska me olemme pohjimmiltamme uteliaita ja tahdomme tietää mikä heidät tuhosi. Mikä oli se lopullinen tapahtumaketju, joka tappoi viimeisen ihmisen?
Frustration's licking my ear
Like a hungry pedophile.
Why can't I just share my thoughts
Tell you it's over now.
You're like an angry kid on drugs.
Talking is useless.
If words are like bullets
You're either dodging them
Or you're bulletproof.
Dead Lane Staley sings to my brains
And only mine
That he's the man in the box
He's the only person who has a clue
About the way I feel.
And he's dead.
And he was addicted.
That's pretty much why he's dead.
What a pity...
Like a hungry pedophile.
Why can't I just share my thoughts
Tell you it's over now.
You're like an angry kid on drugs.
Talking is useless.
If words are like bullets
You're either dodging them
Or you're bulletproof.
Dead Lane Staley sings to my brains
And only mine
That he's the man in the box
He's the only person who has a clue
About the way I feel.
And he's dead.
And he was addicted.
That's pretty much why he's dead.
What a pity...
sunnuntai 16. kesäkuuta 2013
The Past & The Present.
This darkness that surrounds my spirit
Every trauma inflicted to my vulnerable humanity
Mental abuse, rejections, social extortion
All the things I consider my past
Are enough to teach me there is nothing worth reliving in the past.
Every time someone tells me things were better in the past
I know they were not. You were just younger.
Things move from simplicity towards chaos.
It is the natural course of enthropy
And we all follow it's rules.
The more time there is
The further we write
The more our sentences define the meaning
The more it describes
The more it leaves out.
It is not worse.
It is more definite
And the more definite something is
The more finite it is
All possibilities become excluded
By the reality of existing things.
And the more finite it is
The more it freightens us
Because it reminds us of our own lives
Acting in exactly same way
We are born into our simple lives
Simple troubles
Simple joys
And then we grow up into this chaos
We call life
Which keeps getting more chaotic every day
And every day wipes out another chance
And when you're running out of chances
You start to panic.
But every single human being before you
Has gone through the same life.
So wouldn't it be nice
If we learned something of those lives
And grew to understand
That past was not better?
It was just simple.
And the present is complex
And complex is elaborate and beautiful.
Now carry this light of the present
And illuminate your past with the current understanding
You now behold.
See how much the darkness makes you appreciate the light.
It should not
Make you want to blow out the candle and stay in the dark.
Every trauma inflicted to my vulnerable humanity
Mental abuse, rejections, social extortion
All the things I consider my past
Are enough to teach me there is nothing worth reliving in the past.
Every time someone tells me things were better in the past
I know they were not. You were just younger.
Things move from simplicity towards chaos.
It is the natural course of enthropy
And we all follow it's rules.
The more time there is
The further we write
The more our sentences define the meaning
The more it describes
The more it leaves out.
It is not worse.
It is more definite
And the more definite something is
The more finite it is
All possibilities become excluded
By the reality of existing things.
And the more finite it is
The more it freightens us
Because it reminds us of our own lives
Acting in exactly same way
We are born into our simple lives
Simple troubles
Simple joys
And then we grow up into this chaos
We call life
Which keeps getting more chaotic every day
And every day wipes out another chance
And when you're running out of chances
You start to panic.
But every single human being before you
Has gone through the same life.
So wouldn't it be nice
If we learned something of those lives
And grew to understand
That past was not better?
It was just simple.
And the present is complex
And complex is elaborate and beautiful.
Now carry this light of the present
And illuminate your past with the current understanding
You now behold.
See how much the darkness makes you appreciate the light.
It should not
Make you want to blow out the candle and stay in the dark.
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