sunnuntai 24. kesäkuuta 2012

J. Kill & The Starvation Army Band

1. Eternal Sleep
Come inside
Suffer it through
Let it flow through you
Put you to sleep

Come inside
Share a laugh or smile
Let it make you feel good
Put you to sleep

Come inside
Stare at my fire
Let it breathe you in
Put you to sleep

To eternal sleep...

2. Son of a Thief

Once there was a man
a worn out car thief
strapped to burn in hell
he had run for so long
his shoes had grown to his feet
always ready to leave
never able to stay
never able to express himself
out of his mind
the mark of Kain had labeled him
out of your kind

And now as the shadows grow deep
and the red fills the waters, we see
When you're a son of a thief
Your father's mistakes are the ones you repeat

This thief had a son, a real mistake
then he was gone
a boy without a father...
he followed his path in crime
shot a man three times
three different men
he's out on the run
never able to stay
just like his father

And now as the shadows grow deep
and the red fills the waters, we see
When you're a son of a thief
Your father's mistakes are the ones you repeat

They were too alike
to ever live among others
always alone
the boy grew up to become a car thief
just like his old man
he had a son and vanished in thin air
circle's complete

And now as the shadows grow deep
and the red fills the waters, we see
When you're a son of a thief
Your father's mistakes are the ones you repeat

3. Black Hole Blues

 Maybe you heard it in the news
Or had a word from a friend,
Maybe just a mutual acquiantance,
But you know, tomorrow we're dead

Our consciousness
strives towards
those little deaths
that sneak in
with your every breath
and hide inside your head

It's the last night on earth
And we all have our questions
How will it all end?
Has it been just an illusion in our brain?

Our consciousness
strives towards
those little deaths
that sneak in
with your every breath
and hide inside your head

Forming black holes
Sucking all life out

Our consciousness
strives towards
those little deaths
that sneak in
with your every breath
and hide inside
your head

4. xXx

5. Gravity

Gravity keeps pulling me down
My weight growing bigger the deeper I fall
Faster, gaining velocity
Ready to crush everything as I land

Face down

I need no one to feed my fire
I am not the leech I might have been
I have grown strong, sovereign, I have grown free

It's getting heavier. My mind's getting lighter.


1. See Through My Skin

I can see through my own skin
and I don't like what I see
Something's out of place
and I cant' heal myself

see through my skin
help me feel again
see through my skin
see the worst of me

I can bleed through my skin
I have no shame to hold it in
My blood's not my own
Even you can't save me now

see through my skin
see the worst of me
see through my skin
I try to hold this one in..
I try to hold this one in..

2. 5.30 a.m.

I feel you, the beast in me
Hiding there under my skin
I know you're there
Behind my eyes
Waiting for the moment I break

Lurking and waiting
Disgusting being
Fear and loathing
Under my skin

It bleeds out like wine
I know I promised to keep it in
But all my barriers are collapsing
I'm falling deeper down within

Under the open sky..

3. Starstruck

I stare at the dead stars
Explosions long gone
Expanding universe at large
Ever felt this small?
Standing on the cliffs of eternity...

They get further away
Little by little they escape
further away...

I stare at the dead sky
Isolated for eternity
No more lights to reach our sight
Ever felt this hopeless inside?
Falling into the motionless dark

4. Spinelight
5. Kun Mä Kuolen

Kun mä kuolen...
Laskekaa mut sinne
missä muutkin on
Rakkaitten luo
Kun mä kuolen...

tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

This Town

This town smells of rain and basswood
This town sounds like broken glass
This town's like every town should
The stench of violence lingers in the air
This town is the home for homeless
It's the safe haven for those who gave up
It's the liqour-soaked harbor of has-beens
Endless sea of short cuts and dead ends.

This town is full of bad memories
How the barkeeper got shot in that street corner
How the bouncer got stabbed, how that child was ran over
By some drunk driver who had got tired of beating his wife

This town smells of blood and amphetamine
This town sounds like burning cigarette
This town sure is like no other place
Self-disgust has stained it's name
But still this town keeps me in it's grip
It's been my home for six long years
And it has been my safe haven
My excuse for everything

This town is full of bad memories
How they kept the thiefs and shot the harlots
How they caught the prostitutes from the beauty parlors
No more happy endings, I guess, can be found around this town

Satunnaisia juttuja junamatkalta

Pimeydellä ei ole mikään kiire.
Se tietää, että me kaikki tulemme hukkumaan siihen
Meistä jokainen sulkee silmänsä valolta
Meistä jokainen unohtaa hengittää sisään
Meistä jokainen suljetaan kannen alle

Pelkkää tyhjää.
Ei mitään muuta
Minun olemassaoloni
Vain muutaman olotilan summa
Joka raukeaa tyhjiin
Valuu maahan
Luhistuu itseensä
Kuristuu omaan mahdottomuuteensa
Hirttäytyy ihanteisiinsa
Minun olemassaoloni
Ainoa mikä on pahempaa kuin sen loppuminen
Olisi sen ikuinen jatkuminen
Loputon kasvu, aina suuremmaksi
Kunnes olisin niin suuri
Etten näkisi teistä enää ketään.

Elämä on liikettä ulospäin, 
räjähtelyä ja räiskymistä
Kasvua ja kauneutta
Rajallista lihaisaa iloa
Kuolema vetää meidät takaisin sisään
Lämpimään maahan
Maatuvaan multaan
Hämärtyvän illan taa.