tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2011

I've seen kids who spit and act so sick it would make you all go slightly flip. I've talked to guys twice as bad as the baddest one you've ever had. Medicated minds, entwined and stumbling upon each other blindly, like two deaf guys nodding kindly and neither one proceeds. Their earthly bulks of flesh and bone, slowly turning another stone to get somewhere in this human strife, to get past traumas of past life. But why did mother beat you at night? Why didn't daddy do what's right? Did he inted to attend your ball games, or did you bring him such a shame, throw too much dirt on your family name? Was he too embarrased to harass you, and that's why you chose to be cruel towards the gold fish in your bowl, or towards those frogs you found outside and happily smashed with rocks. We all can see that you reflect, so stop pretending, for your own sake.

sunnuntai 4. syyskuuta 2011

A Picture.

Air grows thicker
It's harder to breathe
It all escalates on this moment
Life will be defined by the absence of death
Light will be defined by the absence of shadow
Truth will be defined by the abscence of lies.
And they are everywhere.
Death will swallow life, eventually.
All life will descend to their natural end.
All light will grow weaker with the sun.
It will take the last remains of hope with it
And it all will fall down from the sky
Like clouds would turn into concrete.
Heavier kind of snow.
And by these last hours of the collective
Known to the universe by the name of mankind
We'll be drawn a picture of ourselves.
An ugly, disgusting caricature
With all the exaggerated lines and forms
And we'll know
This is the most truthful picture we have ever seen
And the last one we will ever know.